Special Conditions

Training services

1. Preambule

The CUSTOMER asked VALUE IT to provide Training Services.

The CUSTOMER has precisely evaluated its own needs and has made sure that the Training proposed by VALUE IT are in line with its needs. The parties have agreed on the following.

2. Object

The purpose of these Special Conditions is to determine the terms and conditions for the provision of Training.

3. Duration

The present contract comes into force on the date of signature of the Commercial and Technical Proposal by the CUSTOMER. The present contract is concluded for the duration stipulated in the Commercial and Technical Proposal signed by the CUSTOMER.

4. Training funding

In the event that the Customer wishes to finance Trainings ordered via a Skills Operator (OPCO), the CUSTOMER must make the request to the institution of his choice. The training payment then be carried out according to the following méthodes :

  • the institution agrees to finance the Trainings, and will pay directly to VALUE IT, without going through the CUSTOMER;
  • the institution agrees to finance the Trainings, and will pay the CUSTOMER. In this case, the CUSTOMER must make Trainings payments to VALUE IT according to the modalities specified in the Commercial and Technical Proposal;
  • the school refuses to fincance the Trainings. The CUSTOMER must pay for the training with VALUE IT, in accordance with the modalities specified in Commercial and Technical Proposal.

5. Cancellation and/or deferral

5.1 At the customer’s initiative

The CUSTOMER acknowledges and accepts that to be taken into account, any deferral or cancellation must be notified in writing (e-mail to commercial@value-info.fr or by registered letter) to VALUE IT. The following notices will begin to run from the date of notification sent by the CUSTOMER:

  • Any cancellation of a Training less than ten (10) working days before the scheduled session date will result in the invoicing of 50% of the session;
  • Any cancellation of a Training less than five (5) business days before the scheduled session date will result in the total billing of the session.

5.2 At the VALUE IT’s initiative

In case of the trainer’s absence, VALUE IT undertakes to make its best efforts to ensure the continuity of the training as soon as possible by replacing the absent trainer with another trainer with equivalent technical skills and qualifications.

In the event that VALUE IT cannot ensure the continuation of the Training, it undertakes to make its best efforts to dispense the same Training as soon as possible.

VALUE IT reserves the right, in particular in case of insufficient participants, and without its liability, to cancel and/or postpone a Training session, up to ten (10) calendar days before the date of the Training without liability. In this case, VALUE IT will only refund the registration fees already paid by the CUSTOMER to the exclusion of any other costs.

VALUE IT reserves the right, without liability, to cancel and/or postpone a Training within ten (10) calendar days. VALUE IT undertakes, at the Customer’s choice:

  • to provide a credit note to the CUSTOMER, or
  • to refund in full the amount paid by the CUSTOMER, excluding any other costs.

6. Financial Terms

The CUSTOMER undertakes to pay VALUE IT, in return for the Trainings organized in these Special Conditions, the price defined in the Commercial and Technical Proposal.

7. Liability

In case of condemnation of VALUE IT, all causes combined, principal, interest and costs, the Parties agree that VALUE IT will not be liable for an amount exceeding fifty percent (50%) of the annual amount of the Services for which its responsibility will have been retained.